
Operational Excellence: Delivering On Time In Full

20 Jul 2018

South Korea

Operational Excellence: Delivering On Time In Full

Operational Excellence: Delivering On Time In Full  Operational Excellence: Delivering On Time In Full

We received an urgent order to supply the marine lubricants in South Korea in July.


Our customer’s chemical tankers were sailing mostly in the Chinese coastal areas since mid-February; while one of them planned to lift duty paid products in Ningbo, the other sailed to South Korea and would lift duty free products there.


Due to uncertain shipping schedule, the 2nd vessel couldn’t confirm its lifting schedule until Friday 13 July; and at the last minute, it also changed the lifting location (at Daesan) on Tuesday, 17 July 2018.


Despite the tight deadline, Fiona from Gulf Oil Marine responded quickly, making the operational arrangements accurately and delivering the order on time in full, within assigned schedule and budget. She also went the extra mile to arrange the necessary shipment documents in a timely manner.


The customer is very satisfied with our team’s operational excellence, thanking us for our support in the below appreciation email.


“Thank you for Gulf Oil Marine’s ops team support, in particular for Fiona’s brilliant coordination. She responds promptly to every change and makes the operational arrangement accurately despite the time and geographical constraints. With her kind assistance, our vessel was supplied on time in full and had her departure on schedule. We would like to express our sincerely appreciation to your team’s professional service.”


China Shipping Chemical Carrier Co., Ltd.

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