
Main Lubricants

Cylinder Oils

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GulfSea Cylcare XP 5040* 50 40

Marine Cylinder Oil specially designed to deliver outstanding dispersancy and detergency for the latest model of Low Speed 2-stroke Marine Diesel Engines using very low sulphur residual fuel blends (VLSFO). It meets the higher performance standards required of CAT II cylinder oils by MAN ES, particularly for piston cleanliness and deposit control

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GulfSea Cylcare 5040* 50 40

Marine Cylinder Oil specially formulated for modern Low Speed 2-Stroke Marine Engine using low sulphur residual fuel blends and distillates.

Download (238.37 KB)
Download (227.55 KB) Download (226.51 KB)
GulfSea Cylcare 5070* 50 70

Marine Cylinder Oil specially designed for modern Low Speed 2-stroke Marine Main Engines using Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

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Download (246.46 KB) Download (176.42 KB)
GulfSea Cylcare XP 50100* 50 100

Marine Cylinder Oil specially designed for the latest range of modern Low Speed 2-stroke Marine Diesel Engines using High Sulphur Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

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Download (247.2 KB) Download (177.53 KB)
Download (169.44 KB)
GulfSea Cylcare XP 50140* 50 140

Ultra High BN Marine Cylinder Oil specially designed for coping with high operational demands and optimising cylinder oil feed rates in latest range of modern Low Speed 2-stroke Marine Diesel Engines using High Sulphur Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

Download (456.76 KB)
Download (252.37 KB) Download (177.69 KB)

* Product will be suffixed with H, S or X identifier, owing to the regional availability.  Products with different identifier are miscible and compatible.
* Gulf Marine warrants all formulations are approved by the major OEMs unless otherwise stated and NOLs are available on request.

System Oils

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Lubricants SAE or ISO BN Application icon product data sheet icon material safety data sheet icon brochure
GulfSea SuperBear 3006 30 6

Low Speed 2 Stroke Engine System Oil specifically designed for modern Marine Propulsion Engines.

Download (54.63 KB)
Download (230.2 KB)

Trunk Piston Engine Oils

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Lubricants SAE or ISO BN Application icon product data sheet icon material safety data sheet icon brochure
GulfSea Power 3030 30 30

Marine Trunk Piston Engine Oil specially designed for modern Medium Speed 4-stroke Marine Engines running Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

Download (126 KB)
Download (172.62 KB)
GulfSea Power 3040 30 40
GulfSea Power 3055 30 55
GulfSea Power 4030 40 30
GulfSea Power 4040 40 40
GulfSea Power 4055 40 55
GulfSea Power MDO 3012 30 12

Trunk piston engine oil for medium speed diesel engines operating on distillate fuel, Very Low Sulphur Fuel (VLSFO)

Download (123.32 KB)
Download (172.56 KB)
GulfSea Power MDO 3015 30 15
GulfSea Power MDO 3020 30 20
GulfSea Power MDO 4012 40 12
GulfSea Power MDO 4015 40 15
GulfSea Power MDO 4020 40 20

Gas Engine Oils

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Lubricants SAE or ISO BN Application icon product data sheet icon material safety data sheet icon brochure
GulfSea Power LA 40 5

Premium Quality Heavy-Duty Gas Engine Oil intended for lubrication of high-performance gas engines requiring a "low ash" oil. (Sulphated Ash: 0.5 wt%)

Download (607.58 KB)
Download (166.57 KB)


The information contained in this document is indicative only and not legally binding for Gulf Marine Pte. Ltd., or any of the Sealube Marine members. The listed products are subject to availability and/ or change. Gulf Marine Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to modify the information in case of any changes, including withdrawal, with regard to any of its products or any elements thereof. For further information, please also refer to our Product Data Sheets and the Material Safety Data Sheets.


The reference density for volume conversion for invoicing purposes is 15° C for bulk deliveries and 20° C for all packed deliveries.

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